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New Battery Cooler Aluminum Plate

Author:adm Date:2023-08-10 447

New battery cooler aluminum plate–our new battery cooler solution.

New energy vehicles are unstoppable and rapid development.

News: China expects sales of new energy vehicles to make up 20% of total new sales by 2025

News: UK moves to end sales of all non-electric cars by 2035

News: EV sales jumped from 450,000 in 2015 to 2.1 million in 2019, 1.7 million in 2020, 8.5 million in 2025, 26 million in 2030, 54 million in 2040.

Aren’t you excited about such a huge market? Yes, I am, but it’s hard to find the suitable batttery cooling solution? Here, this new battery cooler aluminum plate is your best choice to reduce the price and increase the performance. “What are the advantage?” Don’t worry, good advantages as follows:

  1. The thickness of aluminum plate is thin, only 1mm, which speeds up the heat dissipation and extends the life of the battery.

  2. Aluminum plates have a large surface area and more flow paths, can allows more and faster heat transfer.

  3. The manufacturing process is much cleaper than the traditional process, which reduces the total cost of ownership and increase the market sare of the vehicle.

Are you sure you don’t want to try such a good battery cooler aluminum plate? Hurry up!